Thursday, 21 February 2013


Laxatives are mostly used to empty your bowels . Once every 10 years it is okay to use laxatives . More than that, you could mess up your system so you get constipated.

 Losing a few pounds of waste is just temporary, until what you eat slowly fills up your intestines again.
Too much use of laxatives will really make you gain a lot of weight (waste), when your natural urges shut down ,you get constipated, gain a lot of extra weight due to waste that your body cannot expel.

Some of the consequences of using laxatives over a long time include:
  •    Addiction
  •   Damage to the Gastrointestinal tract
  •   Nausea
  •   Stomach pains
So instead of drinking laxatives and spending most of your day in the toilet, why not start exercising and reducing your food intake?


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