Friday, 1 February 2013


Happy new month to you all. Am so loving this weather *wink*.Lovely weather ain't it?

        Since November 2012 i have lost over 14.4 lbs(7 kg),all thanks to my fitness goals( substituting soft drinks and juice for water,not skipping breakfast,eating small portions of food and rest). Well, i don't want to stop now, so i have set other personal fitness goals outside maintaining the weight i have lost. They include home exercises and cycling.
       I don't want to hit the gym for now because am a busy person.There are several home exercises i could do on my own,like crunch,plank,cobra,squat jumps..*whew*.
     Cycling.....hmmm..not to good at cycling,thats why i joined, MAY RIDERS CLUB 'riding for health'. For inquiry on how to join the riders club(call 08028353332).....cycling is so much fun*wink* 


Well,thats my personal fitness goal for you,so if u want to keep fit or lose weight,you have to set goals for yourself and achieve them.Also have this in mind:  
         Setting GOALS is one of the critical thing you can do to make sure you see success.