Wednesday, 6 February 2013


LETS FACE IT!! I don't like an early wake up call and so do u. The sound of my alarm!!!arrrgghhh!!. i have to snooze(15 mins interval) thrice before getting out of bed.Well,that was then. you wanna learn how to become a morning exerciser?.Simply follow these steps with me:-

  •     Get enough sleep:It is vital you get enough sleep.This will make it easier for you to get out of bed in the morning. First,decide what time you need to start and calculate your bedtime.Its 7 hours for me i.e i hit the bed at 10pm and wake up at 5am.
  • Wake up slowly: don't feel forced to wake up immediately.snooze if you have to.Read for 5mins or drink a glass of water/cup of coffee.
  • Select a method; select the method of exercise you enjoy. i do my exercises indoors, like ,side planking,crunches,skipping,jogging on a spot.
yea,one more thing,you can also eat a small healthy breakfast before workout,like pieces of fruit,then eat a healthy meal less than an hour after exercising to start your day properly.

1 comment:

  1. how many minutes of morning exercises should one do?
