Tuesday, 27 September 2016



 Am so obsessed with ..........if am left alone with .....  ,its gone in about seven seconds.I have one big weakness and

that is BREAD!!!!! I can finish a loaf..Yes!!! I said it.A LOAF!!!I eat bread everyday.Not just sliced bread,it could be uncut,sardine bread,garlic bread,any bread.I feel helpless against bread attack.

The good news is I am taking the first step and decided to try to stop.YES,i said try.I admit its not going to be easy.Today is my second day avoiding bread,my body keeps fighting for it though.

My advise :if your cravings are very high in fat and carbs,eat little or nothing.For some, eating what they crave in moderation will stop the binging. For others it can start the binging process, making them feel guilty and crave the food even more for example ,ME.

Throw every temptation in your pantry and replace them with better foods.

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